Greg Strobel Legacy Fund

The Greg Strobel Legacy Fund has been established to honor the legacy of Greg Strobel, a true icon in the wrestling world. Greg, former head wrestling coach at Lehigh (1995 to 2008) helped establish the Lehigh Valley Wrestling RTC, (originally named Lehigh Valley Athletic Club) in 1999. This quasi-endowment fund will help continue Greg’s legacy of creating great leaders on and off the mats by providing meaningful support and resources to LVWRTC athletes and coaches as well as raising the level of wrestling and coaching in the Lehigh Valley.

Legacy Fund Donors
Bill and Elaine Crouse
Mike Caruso
Travis Frick
Derek Zinck
Billy and Colleen Stuart
William Blair
Tim Brosnan
Rich and Linda Paul
Dave and Kim Burdakin
Mario Stuart
Scott Fainor
Robert Gerlach
Jeffery Gallagher
Ben and Sandy Fiore
Ira Lubert and Pam Estadt
Vic and Jean Pratt
Andy and Nancy Miller
Ted Howells ’68
Harry B. Levine Lehigh Class of 1956
Mike and Molly Lieberman
Richard (Dick) Hughes
David Carroll
Mark McCauley
David R. Bogus
Ollie and Andrea Foucek
John A. Henning ’73
Robert Trinkle
Ron Hartman
Brian Kull
Mark Wetzel
Tuskes Homes
Working Dog Press
Jennifer and Timothy Buirkle
Brian Yates
Dale and Cathy Dietrich
Joseph C. Schulter
Bertram Bartlett
John Dobrota
William Van Loan
Frank Markosky
Vanessa Haines Paskaitis
Rob Rohn
Rose and Jack Brignola
Michael Conway
Bruce Kelly
Wes Wardell (in memory of Donna Strobel)
Ted Zubulake
Glenn and Maryanne Breidenbach
Robert Bevan
Bobbi DeAngelo (In memory of Dave DeAngelo)
Bruce and JoAnn Haines
Ryan Bernholz
Peter Hondru
Rich Bolden
Harmon Family Foundation
Anonymous Donor
Joe and Amy Perella
Legacy Gift for Athletes and Team 1996-97
Legacy Gift for Athletes and Team 1997-98
In Memory of Rose Baker
Phil Doerner